Sunday, April 3, 2011

Adventures in the Dream ??

The fellow said, "I had a really strange dream last night. It was exciting. And fun. Everything that happened made sense in the dream, but of course once I woke up, it didn't make any sense at all.  Now, by noontime, I can't even remember most of the dream. Or even why I thought it was so amazing."

The woman replied, "Well, that's how dreams usually work. There's no accounting for it. But did you ever think that once you wake up you're really waking into yet another dream? No, I don't mean some parallel universe like you see in sci-fi movies. I'm talking about our so-called "reality" actually being another dream."

Well, that's what we've come to believe about our apparent lives in what almost everyone agrees is "reality" -- living here on this planet Earth for three-score and ten. Sure, it's a strange idea.  We thought so at first too.

But after some years of studying A Course in Miracles we've come to see these lives we're living as something far less than reality. This blog isn't the place for deep explanations, except to say that we have had some adventures in this dream and are expecting at least a few more before the end of our dreaming days.

Hence, the name for this blog.

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