Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wind Surfing at "Kite Beach"

Whatta Day!  We got a very leisurely start today that began with just that first cup of coffee. We spent the morning and mid-day hours just enjoying being alive until Becky said, "Hey, it's almost 2 o'clock. We haven't eaten anything today. Let's go have dinner!"

We had picked up a menu for the Thirsty Turtle restaurant in Juno Beach and liked the looks of it. Lots of really fresh seafood. Hop in the car and a few minutes later...a feast of 50-cent wings for an appetizer washed down with a margarita and bloody Mary, followed with a platter of fresh oysters for Allan and a Seafood Silva for Becky: Sea scallops, shrimp, dolphin and calamari sautéed with diced tomatoes, mushrooms and scallions in a vodka marinara sauce served over pasta. So much Seafood Silva we had to pack the overflowing plate into a go-box and head for home.
The Thirsty Turtle is in Juno Beach, FL. What a great place for fresh seafood! The wait staff was more than
excellent and the food... OMG delicious.

It's getting ready to rain here for the next several days, maybe for the next week, due to a big front coming up from the Caribbean. The skies are a bit gray and winds are coming in from the East, which means the waves breaking along the coast are going to be a bit bigger than usual. That weather front led up to the balance of our day.

On the way home from the restaurant Allan said, "Let's go walk the beach for a while to let our dinner digest." So we headed over to A1A and stopped just North of the Juno pier.  Here's what we saw as we parked the car and headed toward the beach access point:  A huge "kite" of some kind blowing and flying like a crazy dancer gone wild in the wind.
Wow, someone's flying a really big kite over there. Let's check it out!

We walked over the ridge and down onto the beach to behold...a couple dozen wind surfers, aka kite-boarders, racing across the 4-5 foot waves like juggernauts looking to find the opening point so they could cross into some kind of nirvana. 

Oh my!  Dozens of wind surfers blasting like race cars across the waves. A bystander told us this section of Juno Beach
is also known as "kite beach" and is one of the ultimate wind surfing beaches in the area. With the "steerable" kites, each surfer can choose to turn his/her kite into the Easterly wind to go North or South along the beach. Most of these amazing athletes would ride the waves and wind from South to North, and then turn around and go back the other way. Just amazing!

Here's a video and a few more pics of our wonderful, amazing day as we walked and loved being alive and in love. 

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