Sunday, February 19, 2012

Allan wrote...

San Antonio remained cool and rainy for most of my house sit with Ria, the Australian Cattle dog. On 2/15 I set out to visit my daughter and her family near Omaha, NE. The drive took me to Wichita, KS the first night, about 600 miles. I finished the balance of the trip the following day. My drive was filled with A Course in Miracles "study" which consisted, essentially, of meditating (while driving) on topics I had read about the day or night prior.

Yes, one can drive and meditate. We normally drive with our ego minds blathering on about a million disjointed ideas, worries and countless topics for hours on end. Instead, focusing on the car ahead and consciously quieting my mind, watching extraneous thoughts flit through for a moment, then returning to the quiet and solitude...that's a great way to drive. It's almost "outside of time" because I don't get tired, worry about how many miles away something is or when I'll get there. Instead, those 10 hours behind the wheel became very productive, fascinating and (let's say,) educational.

My sweetie, Jennifer, and her husband Eric have a gorgeous little boy, Willem. Without further ado, I'm going to post several pictures and videos I've grabbed with my iPod in the last few days.

Jennifer and Willem - Big smiles all around

Will & Mommy at the  Base Commissary, Offut AFB

Eric, Will & Jenn snacking after a hard day's shopping

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