Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Allan wrote...

And so it goes. Will is my 6th grand child and yet I've spent more time with him in the last week than any other. Jennifer and Eric are stationed at Offut Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska. The USAF has given them a fantastic four bedroom house with a garage, garage door opener, brand new carpet throughout, tons of closet space, a peaceful, safe and quiet neighborhood and lots of young people in the same age range to get to know and befriend. Offut AFB has a great Base Exchange that's a lot like any shopping mall, as well as a commissary that is, for the most part, the best place to shop for groceries and eats. Omaha is a big city too. It has everything one could hope for: Targets, Wal-Marts, upscale shopping malls, (a wonderful Course in Miracles study group that meets on Sunday morning at the Unity Church), endless restaurants and perhaps the very best zoo in the entire USA (according to many comments on and elsewhere.)  Once the weather warms up I know Jenn and Eric will find many things to do in Omaha.  The roads there are clear of potholes that plague the Northeastern part of the country. Traffic is moderate. Rolling hills seem to be the rule and the landscape is attractive, even in winter.  This week we had lots of warm weather. Jenn and Will and I had a nice walk around the neighborhood with Will in his stroller the other day.

Hey! This is my fun so if this is boring, I'm sorry.  Here is yet another great little video of Willem having fun.

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